Imagine horsemen slaughtering a battalion of running men… Once you spy-out the primary troop type of your enemy, you are going to want to send a troop type that counters them effectively. The 3 primary troop types are most effective when they are fighting against the troop type that is weaker than it. Well, no one is actually that strong… Troop Counters Learn how to wield all the weapons in your arsenal and you’ll be able to destroy castles just by porting beside them. Executing an effective plan, however, is a little tougher! Going to war in Lords Mobile is awfully simple to master (almost as simple as your personality)… All you need to do is attack. There are so many details when it comes to war within Lords Mobile, but I think we can all agree that understanding your troops will be the first step. Enjoy being wrong! Also, you’re a moron for trying to challenge the master (aka me).

Here is the ultimate guide on everything that you need to know in order to rain terror on the other guilds and castles in your kingdom. The point of Lords Mobile is to MESS OTHER CASTLES UP! The modus operandi is to light your kingdom on fire and keep it lit until you’re gone. Lords Mobile is not Farmville! The objective of this game is not to pick-your-nose and play nice.